Kembali Berkibar by HSS Gr

Kembali Berkibar HSS Gr cover art

Kembali Berkibar is a song of nationalism for Indonesia, which is symbolized by a flying flag all over the country. This also means that the more people grow their nationalism, the stronger the country. HSS Gr somehow makes this song enjoyable to play. The rap lyrics with Kupangnese accent bold the variety of wealth Indonesia has in terms of its languages, cultures, and many more. The electronic songs upbeat the spirit of fighting and loving the nation. This song will attract young listeners and adjust well to millennials’ ears. In other words, this song is also a weapon to build stronger nationalist souls for todays generations.

Kembali Berkibar by HSS Gr is officially released on 10 Sep 2022 by Netrilis and independently selected by our editors.
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